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Signs Daycare Abuse
Signs Of Daycare Abuse
Daycares often represent a welcome refuse for parents who place their children in the hands of worth individuals while they have to spend the day in their offices. Parents often go through a great deal of trouble in researching daycare centers and interviewing the staff, often waiting on months-long waitlists to get into their preferred daycare. It is therefore a nightmare situation when these parents determine that their child has been the subject of daycare abuse from these employees who were so carefully scrutinized during the search process. If your child was the victim of daycare abuse, you may be entitled to receive compensation for their injuries, and assurance that this will not happen to future children.
It is easy to tell a parent to simply look for a change in behavior in a child as a trigger for daycare abuse, but this is often difficult. Babies, toddlers, and young children often go through a variety of mood alterations throughout the year. A very happy and easy-going baby could turn into a terror at the age of 2. However, it is important to pinpoint when such a drastic change in behavior can be attributed to daycare abuse.
Signs of daycare abuse often include a drastic change in behavior. Common signs of daycare abuse include:
- Chronic bed wetting (for a potty-trained child)
- Recurring tantrums
- Lack of appetite
- Physical abuse to a sibling or toy
- Withdrawn
In the end, you know your child the best, although these initial signs will often help to identify whether daycare abuse is occurring.
Parents are often rightfully angry after the first signs of daycare abuse, but it is important that you refrain from publically speaking about the incident until after you have contacted an attorney. Filing a claim against the daycare and daycare center employees at the heart of the abuse will ensure that the daycare and corporate offices are well informed regarding the abuse and will hopefully take necessary measures to prevent this from happening in the future. Your claim will be comprised of the appropriate damages against the daycare center, most of which will be punitive in nature, such as emotional damages. These damages will be calculated by an experienced attorney prior to filing the claim.
If your child has been the victim of daycare abuse, take the time to familiarize yourself with the signs of daycare abuse. Tony Malley has years of experience in dealing with victims of daycare abuse and will assist you in a claim against the daycare center or employee. Recognizing the signs of daycare abuse is the first step toward filing a claim and protecting your children from future abuse. Do not hesitate to contact our Beaumont or Houston offices today for your initial free consultation.